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Wedding Fees

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There are two types of wedding fees: fixed fees and extra (optional) fees.

The form here lays out clearly the options.

Fixed fees

The fixed fees are set nationally and cover the cost of the church and minister, the legal aspects of the marriage, and the reading of Banns. These are £600 from 1st January 2025.
There is an additional fee for the reading of Banns if either of the couple do not live in the parish in which they are getting married. This is £56 payable to each of the 'home' parish churches (a single £56 if the couple are living together).

Extra fees

The 'extra' fees are set by the church and are for things like having an organist, verger1, bells or a choir. You do not have to have any of these but if you choose them they will cost extra, and a verger in Harwell is strongly recommended. Flowers are by individual arrangement.
The current fees are as follows:

  • Bells: £180 Harwell (8 bells), £140 Harwell (6 bells); £150 Chilton (6 bells)

  • Organist: £80 (Chilton £80) or £160 (Chilton £160) if the Service is recorded or live streamed.  

  • Choir: £60 Harwell, £50 Chilton

  • Verger1: £50

The fees are reviewed regularly.


Fees are payable before the wedding and can be paid either to St Matthew's Harwell PCC or All Saints' Chilton PCC (as relevant), via internet banking. If possible for Harwell we prefer for the 'extra fees', e.g. for organist, bells and verger, to be paid as separate cash.

1 Vergers prepare the church including heating and lighting, arrange parking and put out cones and parking signs as appropriate, operate the sound system and CD player as needed, assist ushers and guests as they arrive, and clear up after the service. Where relevant, they also assist at the rehearsal.

Page revised January 2025

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