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news from christine perkins 

christineFollowing the death of my mother, I can honestly say that I'm full of thankfulness to the Lord in so many ways. Grateful for his perfect timing - both when I came back to UK and being able to support her those last weeks. Also thankful for the support of friends and family around the world, including friends in Harwell.
I've been back in Derby for about a month and it is good to be in my own home again, getting back into life here. I am about to start receiving my state pension which is another rather major milestone!!
I am very happy to continue serving with Pioneers part time and it is a very supportive team to be a part of. I am also exploring opportunities for ministry here in Derby, but am not rushing into committing myself!
So looking forward I am also hopeful of what the Lord has for me within Pioneers as well as here in Derby and maybe in some short term openings overseas, I certainly need to do some visiting and following up with some of the students I've sponsored. 
Thank you to everyone in the church for your interest, prayers and financial support over many, many years. I will continue to stay in touch - and would love to visit again before long and share more of the work of Pioneers. 

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