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June Prayer update from the Wilsons Prayer update from the Wilsons

Dear friends,

Thanks for your prayers over this month. After Chris’ two trips to the camp we were able to enjoy a very relaxing week at Lake Babogaya, after which life became fairly busy again.  

Chris is just coming to the end of his time in the UK. He’s had a great time there: he presented on his recent work in Aberdeen and Bristol, met both of his supervisors in person for the first time since 2021, and caught up with some friends.

I (Suzy) unexpectedly found myself volunteering, and then heading up an English intensive course for the group of Ethiopian mission workers currently on home-leave from west Africa. Along with a couple of others, we were able to put together a program and deliver it, with positive results. We had a wonderful week together - the highlights included hearing from the women their heart for the vulnerable people they work with, sharing lunch together with other mission workers serving in Ethiopia, learning how to share ministry overviews, and hearing about their work with nomadic people. Perhaps top of the list was teaching them how to use google translate - they spent one morning having a brilliant time recording encouraging messages in Amharic and playing them back to us in English. Praise God for a fruitful and blessed time together.

The kids and I are now hoping to wind down a little as the rainy season here approaches; we will be continuing with home school, but at a more relaxed pace. I will use some of the extra time (my work teaching English in Korah will also finish for the summer) to work on Amharic and plan for the year ahead. Chris on the other hand has a number of commitments coming up – amongst other things he's hoping to make another trip to teach in one of the camps over the next few weeks so please pray for permission, safe travels and a productive time with the students. Pray too that he would get the time to rest before he needs to be getting ready again for various teaching engagements.
With love,
Suzy and Chris. 


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