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Services this week commencing Sunday 23rd February-2nd March in All Saints' Chilton and St Matthew's Harwell         

annual church meeting


This Sunday 23rd February
All Saints' Chilton at 9.30am Morning Worship
St Matthew's Harwell at 10.30am Morning Worship with the Baptism of Maisie Reeves, the daughter of Revd Sasha and Matthew Reeves.  The Baptism of Maisie will be taking place later in the service to allow anyone attending All Saints' to join us after their service finishes. 

There will also be 'Bring and Share Cake' with refreshments following the service, where everyone is invited to stay, and join in the welcoming of Maisie to the church family.  At the back of the church there will also be a Bible that everyone has been asked to highlight their favourite verse.  This Bible will be kept for Maisie until she gets older to read and enjoy.

In All Saints' Chilton on 23rd February and 2nd March at 11.00 am to listen to David Suchet reading the text. We will be using a YouTube video of an event that took place
on 28th March 2017 at St Paul’s Cathedral London.

At 6.00pm in St Matthew's a service of Holy Communion.

On Thursday  27th February 11,00am midweek Communion (BCP) will be held in St Matthew's Harwell.

The following Sunday 2nd March
All Saints' Chilton at 9.30am Holy Communion
St Matthew's Harwell at 10.30am Morning Worship followed at 6.00pm Evening Worship.

Everyone is invited and welcome to come along to any of our Services.



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